Monday, November 10, 2008

Why do you create art?

This is from Discussion. It's interesting enough for me to post it here.

For my opinion, people have many different reasons to do what they do. It doesn't have to be the same reason to do in the same thing. And Inspiration comes from yourself or other pass through you depend on what is the most important thing in your life or theory of your thought.

I have no children. I think who you are, how you feel, what you concern about or anything else ,all effect your art a lot because you are art and art is in you. Not only the painting(material) called art. Art comes from your mind and soul. Even I sold the painting to people. I don't feel that I lost my art. The painting is the result of our art. It can be anywhere in the world, but it's still with you.
For my thought, as long as we're happy what we're doing, it's good. I always think what other people think about me or how crazy I am, it's not their business. Selling your art or not depend on your situation and your willing. Just do what make you're happy! If the world have only same color how the world will be beautiful!!

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